Sundaram MF Start An SIP Dec2024 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of SBI ESG Exclusionary Strategy Reg IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
23-12-2024 72.3516
20-12-2024 72.2819
19-12-2024 73.4014
18-12-2024 74.2409
17-12-2024 74.8229
16-12-2024 75.6967
13-12-2024 75.824
12-12-2024 75.487
11-12-2024 75.7539
10-12-2024 75.6007
09-12-2024 75.3538
06-12-2024 75.4683
05-12-2024 75.4732
04-12-2024 75.0002
03-12-2024 74.7555
02-12-2024 74.2003
30-11-2024 73.7882
29-11-2024 73.792
28-11-2024 73.4176
27-11-2024 74.369
26-11-2024 74.2873
25-11-2024 74.1671
22-11-2024 73.1557
21-11-2024 71.6581
19-11-2024 71.8919
18-11-2024 71.5985
14-11-2024 71.9948
13-11-2024 71.9204
12-11-2024 73.1366
11-11-2024 73.856
08-11-2024 73.7254
07-11-2024 73.7665
06-11-2024 74.3085
05-11-2024 73.2401
04-11-2024 72.586
31-10-2024 72.9362
30-10-2024 73.4299
29-10-2024 73.8161
28-10-2024 73.3626
25-10-2024 73.2605
24-10-2024 73.6712
23-10-2024 73.88
22-10-2024 74.2019
21-10-2024 75.1618
18-10-2024 75.6628
17-10-2024 75.5948
16-10-2024 76.0302
15-10-2024 76.2572
14-10-2024 76.4207
11-10-2024 75.9862
10-10-2024 75.9869
09-10-2024 75.869
08-10-2024 75.2963
07-10-2024 74.5573
04-10-2024 75.3592
03-10-2024 75.6948
01-10-2024 77.3186
30-09-2024 77.2875
27-09-2024 78.0394
26-09-2024 78.3387
25-09-2024 77.8724
24-09-2024 77.8182
23-09-2024 77.798
20-09-2024 77.6026
19-09-2024 76.6453
18-09-2024 76.5091
17-09-2024 76.8037
16-09-2024 76.7443
13-09-2024 76.5614
12-09-2024 76.5351
11-09-2024 75.3126
10-09-2024 75.4159
09-09-2024 75.056
06-09-2024 74.9283
05-09-2024 75.868
04-09-2024 75.8091
03-09-2024 76.0141
02-09-2024 75.9174
31-08-2024 75.8896
30-08-2024 75.8936
29-08-2024 75.5639
28-08-2024 75.6253
27-08-2024 75.6234
26-08-2024 75.3253
23-08-2024 75.0175
22-08-2024 75.0348
21-08-2024 74.8887
20-08-2024 74.4929
19-08-2024 73.9618
16-08-2024 73.9245
14-08-2024 72.724
13-08-2024 72.8455
12-08-2024 73.4659
09-08-2024 73.2646
08-08-2024 72.7901
07-08-2024 73.3066
06-08-2024 72.2577
05-08-2024 72.5959
02-08-2024 74.796
01-08-2024 75.6746
31-07-2024 75.605
30-07-2024 75.3813
29-07-2024 75.2013
26-07-2024 74.857
25-07-2024 73.7428
24-07-2024 73.943
23-07-2024 73.9978
22-07-2024 74.174
19-07-2024 73.917
18-07-2024 74.613
16-07-2024 74.4284
15-07-2024 74.4817
12-07-2024 74.3559
11-07-2024 74.0283
10-07-2024 74.2108
09-07-2024 74.558
08-07-2024 74.2935
05-07-2024 74.5195
04-07-2024 74.2417
03-07-2024 74.0569
02-07-2024 73.4908
01-07-2024 73.6072
30-06-2024 73.0981
28-06-2024 73.1053
27-06-2024 73.4985
26-06-2024 72.9055
25-06-2024 72.6284
24-06-2024 72.0609
21-06-2024 71.7294
20-06-2024 71.8744
19-06-2024 71.7459
18-06-2024 71.8485
14-06-2024 71.5756
13-06-2024 71.1391
12-06-2024 70.7317
11-06-2024 70.3788
10-06-2024 70.2056
07-06-2024 70.2032
06-06-2024 69.2266
05-06-2024 68.4137
04-06-2024 66.416
03-06-2024 70.2466
31-05-2024 68.2892
30-05-2024 68.378
29-05-2024 68.8431
28-05-2024 69.3896
27-05-2024 69.4701
24-05-2024 69.1391
23-05-2024 69.0267
22-05-2024 68.1157
21-05-2024 67.9867
17-05-2024 67.9656
16-05-2024 67.6851
15-05-2024 66.919
14-05-2024 66.5564
13-05-2024 66.1001
10-05-2024 65.5571
09-05-2024 65.3381
08-05-2024 66.0996
07-05-2024 66.0874
06-05-2024 66.4411
03-05-2024 66.335
02-05-2024 66.7015
30-04-2024 66.5809
29-04-2024 66.3841
26-04-2024 65.7262
25-04-2024 66.0518
24-04-2024 65.8308
23-04-2024 65.5002
22-04-2024 65.2403
19-04-2024 64.6747
18-04-2024 64.5822
16-04-2024 64.8681
15-04-2024 65.1115
12-04-2024 65.9507
10-04-2024 66.4362
09-04-2024 66.1634
08-04-2024 66.1269
05-04-2024 65.7641
04-04-2024 65.6402
03-04-2024 65.3709
02-04-2024 65.2116
01-04-2024 65.3465
31-03-2024 64.7566
28-03-2024 64.7657
27-03-2024 64.2212
26-03-2024 63.9513
22-03-2024 64.0974
21-03-2024 63.8523
20-03-2024 62.9933
19-03-2024 62.9216
18-03-2024 63.5578
15-03-2024 63.5723
14-03-2024 63.8851
13-03-2024 63.339
12-03-2024 64.3489
11-03-2024 64.5879
07-03-2024 64.8892
06-03-2024 64.7383
05-03-2024 64.6382
04-03-2024 64.8673
01-03-2024 64.8143
29-02-2024 63.9581
28-02-2024 63.739
27-02-2024 64.4497
26-02-2024 64.2716
23-02-2024 64.4849
22-02-2024 64.404
21-02-2024 63.6266
20-02-2024 63.8576
19-02-2024 63.6947
16-02-2024 63.7549
15-02-2024 63.3593
14-02-2024 63.1371
13-02-2024 62.8247
12-02-2024 62.6907
09-02-2024 63.2045
08-02-2024 63.0581
07-02-2024 63.6802
06-02-2024 63.5795
05-02-2024 63.0627
02-02-2024 63.4943
01-02-2024 63.1928
31-01-2024 63.3964
30-01-2024 62.9148
29-01-2024 63.3085
25-01-2024 62.4578
24-01-2024 62.8025

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